Our Team

<h3>Luiz Carlos Amorim Robortella</h3>

Luiz Carlos Amorim Robortella


PhD in Labor Law (University of São Paulo – USP) – Professor of Labor Law at the Mackenzie University Law School (1974-1995) – Full Professor of Labor Law at the FAAP Law School (2000-2008) – Honorary President of the Brazilian Academy of Labor Law – Holder of chair #29 of the Academia Iberoamericana de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social – Member of the Superior Council of Labor Relations at FIESP – Member of the Higher Labor Studies Group (GAET); Represented Brazil in the Executive Committee of the International Society for Labor Law and Social Security in Sydney, Australia – 2008, Seville, Spain – 2011, Santiago, Chile – 2012, Prague, Czech Republic – 2017, Turin, Italy – 2018, Córdoba , Argentina – 2019 and Lisbon, Portugal – 2021.

<h3>Antonio Galvão Peres</h3>

Antonio Galvão Peres


PhD and Master’s degree in Labor Law (University of São Paulo – USP) – Professor of Labor Law for the Graduate Course in Agribusiness Law at IBDA – Professor of the Agribusiness Law Course at INSPER – Member of the Superior Council of Labor Relations at FIESP (2017-2021) – Adjunct Professor of Labor Law at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) Law School (2006-2014) – Member of the Institute of Attorneys of São Paulo (IASP), of which he was president of the Labor Law Committee (2010-2012) – Coordinator of the Legislative Affairs Center of the Labor Law Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP).

<h3>Juliana Scalissi Martins Gaspar</h3>

Juliana Scalissi Martins Gaspar


Juliana Scalissi has a graduate degree from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), specialized in Civil Procedure and Labor Law having obtained her Law degree from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU). She received a special distinction as a lawyer in the 2021 Análise Advocacia law review.


Danielle Mazzotti Miquelini
Felipe Garcia Canizares
Flávio de Sena Volpon
Gabriella Francynni Rodrigues Silva
Mariana Siqueira
Milena Preiori Serodio Conehero
Renata Clezar Dieder de Oliveira
Thaís de Menezes
Viviane Lícia Ribeiro


Manuela Fantoni Auler
Pedro Teixeira de Oliveira


Cassio Ricardo Bessa Luna Michel
Claudete Paixão
Douglas Araujo
Humberto das Graças
Iara Arakak Matsuoka
Leandro Dias
Ricardo Dias Gomes de Oliveira
Thalisson Adriano Santos Oliveira
Zilda de Cássia Garcia de Azevedo